Zhaoming Primary School deepen the ideological and political education together to build a red classroom

Jingchu.com (Hubei Daily) News (Correspondent Xiang Ji Xue) On the afternoon of April 24th, more than 30 people from the Marxist College of Xiangyang Automobile Vocational and Technical College came to the Xiaochu Girl Memorial Hall of Zhaoming Primary School.Don’t start a lifetime ideological and political lessons.The theme of this activity is “Large, Small and Small, Small and Politics Integration on -site teaching -‘walking venue ideology'”. College students and primary school students have made the majority of students deeply feel through field visits, interactive explanations, and scenario show performances.At the heroic deeds of the revolutionary martyrs, it strengthened their confidence in building a socialist modern power.
Event site.Correspondent drawing
In the memorial hall, the red scarf interpreter told the audience the heroic deeds and the spirit of the red candle with a childish and firm voice, so that people had a deeper understanding of the great revolutionary martyrs.The college student red interpreter also touched everyone present through vivid stories and touching details.
Event site.Correspondent drawing
Subsequently, all teachers and students watched the scenario drama “The Red Candle Never Em who will never go out” carefully arranged by the teachers and students of Zhaoming Primary School.The spirit of the heroic and selfless dedication of the revolutionary martyrs.The play performed hundreds of activities in various events such as Hubei Satellite TV, Xiangyang TV Station and Xiangyang Jiancheng Ri, which won widespread praise and high praise from all walks of life.
Event site.Correspondent drawing
After the scene of the scenario drama, all the students recite the classic poem “Red Candle” in unison, expressing the lofty respect for the revolutionary martyrs and the deep admiration of the spirit of red candles.Infected and encouraged.
Event site.Correspondent drawing
This activity moved the ideological and political lessons into the red venue, organically integrated ideological and political education with professional elements, and fully played the role of educating people in the practical base.Through field visits and interactive exchanges, students not only deepened their understanding and understanding of revolutionary history, but also had deeply baptized and sublimated ideas.They have stated that they must internalize the heroic deeds of the revolutionary martyrs and the spirit of red candlers in their hearts, externalization, and work hard to learn and refine their character to contribute their own strength to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
It is reported that the “Xiao Chu Girl Memorial Hall” located in the south south corner of Zhaoming Primary School was named Hubei Patriotic Education Base by the Hubei Provincial People’s Government in April 2022.In recent years, with the in -depth development of party history learning and education, the educational function of the Xiao Chu Girl Memorial Hall has become increasingly prominent.Relying on the patriotic education base of the Xiao Chu Girls’ Memorial Hall, Zhaoming Elementary School has continuously enriched the school’s educational content, providing students with a platform that personally feels red culture and inherits red genes.Lay the solid foundation for the cultivation of red heart students.