Education experts "smashing toys" rough home visits dispute, official: she is a retired teacher, will investigate

Recently, several videos released by the social media account “Zhao Juying Family Education”, “Home Visit China” and “Zhao Juying Chat Education” caused heated discussion among netizens. In the video, Zhao Juying asked the boy to smash his beloved Gundam model, in the boy’s roomInstalling monitoring, let the girl throw her own toy comic books into the trash bin … The series of behaviors have been talked about by netizens as “bullying education”, and some netizens said that Zhao Juying was not a retired teacher promoted in the video, but was “dismissed”.Essence
On the afternoon of May 6, the staff of the Education Bureau of Jiayuguan City in Gansu responded to Jiyou Journalists that Zhao Juying retired from a primary school in the city in 2023. The Education Bureau will intervene in the investigation.
Let your child smash your love toy yourself
Sitting in front of the girl’s desk, Zhao Juying picked up various small ornaments on the table. She believed that the girl’s 50%attention would be on these small ornaments when writing homework.”You’re in the second year, how can you make it like a kindergarten class? Is this just a baby who is not wet … Your dream? What about your goal? What about your learning plan? What about your schedule?”” Zhao Juying said with his hands on the empty wall of the table.After that, she asked the girl to install all the small ornaments and cards on the table with a bag and threw it into the trash can downstairs.
This video was released on March 17. The girl in the video is a second -year student in Meishan City, Sichuan. The educating girl is Zhao Juying who claims to be a senior family education expert.Some netizens pointed out that during the process of visiting Zhao Juying’s family, the girl’s eyes treated Zhao Juying from the initial love and light to resentment.
One week before the above video was released, the relevant account also released a family visit video from Zhao Juying to a family of family in Kunshan, Jiangsu. The protagonist of the home visit is a boy who is in junior high school.
Zhao Juying asked the boy to break his hand
In the boy’s room, Zhao Juying sat on the bed with a ring ruler. The boy’s mother stood beside him. The boy stood against the wall with a small hammer with a small hammer.Zhao Juying threw a box with a boy’s beloved hand on the ground, allowing the boy to smash a few hundred yuan of hand with a hammer, and hit the boy’s palm with a ruler before smashing the toy.After the boy smashed the toy himself, Zhao Juying said to the boy, “Take it to see, can you see the flowers?””I can’t get a high school, the young man, you will be over in your life.” The video also showed that the boy’s room was installed with a surveillance camera.”” “
Account screenshot
The page of the above video shows that the video content was created by “Zhao Juying Family Education”, “Home Visit China” and “Zhao Juying Chat Education”. The number of fans in the latter two accounts is relatively large, and the number of fans is 65,000 and 284,000, respectively.The introduction of one of the accounts shows that it is a senior family education expert in 33 years and a senior language teacher in 33 years. He has spent more than 1,000 speeches across the country. He has published two books.The son of the masterpiece and the 7 -year -old is proficient in the four languages “.In the video released by the account, a little boy spoke fluent English.
The Education Bureau responds to the investigation
Although the above videos are indicated by subtitles, “the minors have been released after the guardian has been consent”, but the child’s face in the video has not been obstructed.
Netizens told Jimu Journalists that she was very angry after seeing Zhao Juying’s home visitor video. “I feel that it is not like education, it is more like a bullying.” Jimu reporters noticed that there are many education methods for Zhao Juying.Netizens and Ran Cub have the same opinion, “It is a bullying education, but also a humiliating education for public execution.”
Jimu Journalists found that in the WeChat public account of the Gansu Chamber of Commerce in Chongqing, the information of “[New Director Introduction] Chamber of Commerce -Zhao Juying” was released in January this year.It is introduced that Zhao Juying is the general manager of Luzhou’s midsummer Light Cultural Media Co., Ltd., and his originality is Jiayuguan City, Gansu Province.The photo on this page shows that this director Zhao Juying and the social media “Zhao Juying Family Education” Zhao Juying is the same person.According to the article, Luzhou Summer Light Cultural Media Co., Ltd. is rooted in Chongqing, Shancheng.
On May 6, the staff of the Gansu Chamber of Commerce in Chongqing told Jimu Journalists that the Chamber of Commerce has paid attention to relevant public opinion, but because the company operated by Zhao Juying is only the director unit of the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce cannot operate the companyEssenceThe staff member recorded the information of the reporter and stated that he would convey to Zhao Juying, but as of press time, the reporter did not receive a reply.
Tianyancha shows that Luzhou Summer Light Cultural Media Co., Ltd. was established on April 11, 2022. Zhao Juying is the company’s legal representative. The company’s registered address is located in Naxi District, Luzhou City, Sichuan Province.Educational and training activities involving permit approval).The reporter called the company’s registered phone call and was prompted that the other party had turned off after being hung multiple times.
The staff of the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of the Naxi District of Luzhou City responded to Jiyou Journalist that after verification, the above three social accounts were not associated with the Lightsuma Cultural Media Co., Ltd. of Luzhou Summer Culture Media, which belonged to Zhao Juying’s personal behavior.At present, no commercial transactions or business behaviors have been found, and the video release and shooting location are not in the Naxi District. Therefore, the Market Supervision Administration has no right to interfere.
In addition, some netizens said that Zhao Juying was not a retired teacher promoted in the video, but was “dismissed”.In response, the staff of the Education Bureau of Jiayuguan City responded to Jiomu reporters that Zhao Juying retired from a primary school in the city in 2023. The Education Bureau will intervene in the investigation on the issues reported by netizens.
(Source: Polar News Liuqin)