Cili County Special Education School: Party building leads to lead the development of multiple measures and perform strong morality

(Correspondent: Shi Ji Gao Mingjun) On April 19, the Education Studio of the CPPCC Educational Foundation in Cili County invited the honorary titles of “National Outstanding Communist Party Members”, “National Special Education Garden”, “Famous Master of Hunan Province” and “Touched Chinese Characters 2023” and other honorary titles.The winner -Liu Lingzheng, a teacher at Hengyang Special Education School, went to Cili County Special Education School to conduct a special lecture on the moral and moral style.In the lecture, Liu Lingzhang took the title of “Promoting the spirit of educators and being satisfied with the party and the people”.Explanation in four aspects.She told a touching little story to tell teachers to teachers with simple ways of hearing impaired children to learn and speak “to help poor students to complete their studies”, “funding poor students to complete their studies”, “funding for poor students to complete their studies”, “funding for poor students to complete their studies”, “funding poor students to complete their studies”, “funding for poor students to complete their studies”, and “opportunities for the opportunity to work and life for special children”.They clarified the significance of promoting the spirit of educators and vividly interpreted their connotations.She emphasized that special education teachers should care for students, continue to learn, innovate methods, adhere to the original intention of educating people, and strengthen their moral cultivation.She encourages all teachers to earnestly study and understand the ideological concept of the new era of the Supreme Leadership, promote the spirit of educators, and strive to be the “four” teachers “in the new era, so that every child can find the value of life.This wonderful lecture won the applause of the teachers. Everyone said that: Teacher Liu Lingzheng should be used as an example, practicing the spirit of educators with practical actions, caring for every student, educating and accompanied by love, letting every for each student, letting every for each student.A special child can feel warmth and hope.