Geography Education Self -Study Examination subjects?

[Introduction] Self -study examination subjects of geography education:; Introduction to the basic principles of Marxism, the outline of modern Chinese history, English (2), cultural geography Introduction, remote sensing Introduction, modern natural geography, economic geography, computer assistance geography teaching(Practice), geographic education, etc.; self -study examinations are roughly included in civil construction, language, teachers, management, medical, legal, art media, financial and economic, computer, sales, etc.

Geographical education belongs to the teacher’s major. After graduating from undergraduate, you can engage in geographic education. You can be a teacher. Some schools can apply for a teacher qualification certificate when you graduate from undergraduate.Of course you have to apply and pass the exam.

Self -study examination subjects of geography education; Introduction to the basic principles of Marxism, the outline of modern Chinese history, English (2), Introduction to Human Geography, Introduction to Modern Natural Geography, Introduction to Economic Geography, Computer Auxiliary Geographic Teaching (Practice),Geographical education, higher mathematics (engineering college), geographic science introduction, regional analysis and planning, measurement geographical and geographic information system, Chinese cultural introduction, basic education introduction, tourism geography.

Economics majors: accounting, industrial and commercial enterprise management, international trade, marketing, human resource management, financial management, etc.; literature majors: English, Chinese language literature, journalism, advertising, etc.;Computer information management, computer communication engineering, etc.

The major categories of self -study examinations include civil construction, language, teachers, management, medical, legal, art media, financial and economic, computer, sales, etc.

Civil construction: engineering management, engineering cost

Language: Chinese Language and Literature, English

Teachers: elementary education, preschool education, art education (music education, art education), sports education

Management: Administrative Management, Human Resources Management, Industrial and Commercial Management, Tourism Management, Hotel Management, Public Institution Manage

Medicine: Nursing, Pharmacy

Legal category: law

Art Media: Digital media art, broadcasting and hosting art, journalism, radio and television director

Financial category: accounting, financial management, finance, international economy and trade

Computer category: information management and information system, computer science and technology, digital media technology

Sales and marketing category: marketing

Other categories: car service engineering, social work

There are many majors that you can choose from self -test, and common majors are opened.You can check what are the specific majors in the admissions major of the colleges and universities.

The popular majors of self -study include Chinese language and literature, administrative management, human resources management, accounting, preschool education, and financial majors.

1. State recognition: Candidates from the examiners in China Higher Education Student Information Network can query their own degree and state recognition. Today, Canada, the United States, Australia and other countries recognize their self -examination diplomas.

2. Choose professional freedom: self -examination candidates can choose according to their preferences, specialties, etc.

3. Low registration fee: The registration time of each province for self -study exams is different, and the registration fee is low.

4. Low the entry threshold: Candidates do not need to conduct an entrance examination, but the registration time stipulated in various provinces needs to be carried out.

5. Flexible learning methods: There are no semester and academic restrictions from exam candidates.