This year’s tourist route will increase by more than 30%

  On March 14, the reporter learned from the province’s road transport management service work conference held by Zhengzhou that in 2023, the province completed 380 million people in the road passenger, an increase of 101.1%year -on -year, and the passenger turnover of 37.11 billion kilometers, a year -on -year increase of growth, year -on -year growth119.5%; completed the road freight volume of 2.510 billion tons, an increase of 9.3%year -on -year, and cargo turnover was 81.83 billion tons kilometers, an increase of 6.1%year -on -year; the investment in the passenger and cargo site project was 6.16 billion yuan, which provided strong support for the construction of strong transportation provinces.

  Behind the eye -catching results is the high -quality transformation and development of the road transportation field in our province.In 2023, our province continued to improve the quality of road transportation services, and the road freight companies were regulated 659.Among them, international road freight companies achieved zero breakthroughs, adding 5 new companies, and for the first time, it opened the cross -border line from Zhengzhou to Moscow’s TIR highway; 11 new online freight companies had added 11 new freight volumes, with a total of 130 million tons of freight;619, an increase of 11.6%year -on -year.At the same time, the effectiveness of the multi -type transportation is obvious. Our province has taken the lead in issuing a multi -type transportation service contract demonstration text in the country. Zhengzhou Airport Airport Union Union Transport “One System” was selected as the first batch of pilot projects for comprehensive transportation services for transportation.

  In 2024, our province will make every effort to promote the development of custom passenger transportation. By the end of the year, the number of customized passenger lines accounted for more than 10%of the number of passenger line lines. It will achieve full coverage in key hospitals, campuses, high -speed rail stations, airports, and tourist attractions.Explore the travel passenger routes of “ancient capitals of the Yellow River, Taihang Yuntian, Ecological Vaniu, and Red Big”, and add more than 50 new tourist passenger distribution functions passenger stations, and more than 30%of tourist routes.