Build a good credit environment Jinzhou Bank to walk with you

What is credit reporting?

In the words of professionals, credit reporting is the credit information of natural persons, legal persons and other organizations collected, sorted, preserved, and processed in accordance with the law.The main body judges the activity of controlling risks and conducting credit management.Credit recruitment records personal past credit behavior. These behaviors are reflected in personal credit reports, which are often called “credit records”.

★ Repay the loan on time

After borrowing from the bank, repay the loan on time.If it is not repaid on time, not only cannot establish good credit, but it may also cause bad credit records.

★ Credit card use should be repaid on time

Develop good card habits and ensure that the real and effective contact information is left to the card issuer.If the billing address or contact information changes, you should actively contact banks with business exchanges to accurately provide your own basic information; do not ignore the payment of credit card -related fees. Credit cards do not useFees for bad credit records.

★ Love to protect your identity information

The identity documents must be kept properly in a copy. When providing an ID card, you should indicate the use on the copy; do not provide your identity information at will, and do not provide credit reports to unrelated people and institutions.If you lose your ID card, you need to make up for the first time, and inform the bank to update the first time, which can prevent others maliciously stealing your identity information.

★ Be careful to guarantee others

The guarantor’s responsibility is greatly responsible. Once signed on the guarantee contract, it will bear the corresponding joint responsibilities or general responsibilities (specifically the contract).Especially for liability, once the borrower does not repay the loan, the guarantor must repay the principal and interest of the loan.It can be seen that the guarantee is not as simple as signing a few words. Once the guarantor is become a guarantor, your credit report will also be recorded, which will directly affect your own loan application quota in the future.

Since 2008, the head office of the People’s Bank of China has identified June 14 every year as “Credit Record Caring Day”.2018 is the fifth anniversary of the promulgation of the “Regulations on the Management of the Credit Industry”. In order to strengthen the importance and education of credit reporting and popularize the importance of credit acquisition, according to the work deployment of the Harbin Central Sub -branch of the People’s Bank of China, the Jinzhou Bank Harbin Branch organized the “6.14 credit record caring care of the caring recordsOn the day, the special publicity activities are based on the outlets within their jurisdiction to expand the scope of the activity to the public, and strive to build a social atmosphere of “learning credit, understanding of credit, and using credit.Pay attention to credit records and exercise your own credit information. Knowing the right to know the power has become the consensus of the general public.

Tips · Xiaojin Tip to maintain a good credit record slogan, please keep in mind

Remember the date of the Qing Dynasty, take the contract carefully on time, and keep the contract well, maintain a good amount of records, and take care of your own financial considerations. Do not fill in the form in the form of excessive debt to ensure that the information is accurate and information changes.Is it true to repay

Care about records, check the report regularly, find out the problem early to correct the identity document, and keep the identity information properly. Do not provide it at will