Transformed into the stage of science and technology innovation.

On April 2nd, the 3rd Spring Athletics Games of the Nankai Elementary School in Chongqing Science City staged a wonderful performance.The theme of this sports meeting is based on the theme of “science and technology achievement of healthy life”, so that the teachers and students of the school love technology and enjoy sports in the process of practice and innovation.
Opening ceremony of the Games
The national flag team, the school flag team, and the colorful flag team took a strong step, and entered the venue with full scientific and technological elements.The teams of all parties have brought carefully designed creative programs in class. Some of them wear “airplanes”, “rockets” and “space clothes” on their bodies., Full of technology.In addition, martial arts and cheerleaders were also carried out at the scene. The students showed their housekeeping skills, setting off a small climax for the opening ceremony.
Liao Hui, Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch of Nankai Elementary School in Chongqing Science City
Liao Hui, deputy secretary of the Party Branch of the Nankai Elementary School of Chongqing Science City, said that the school has always adhered to the education concept of health first, so as to promote the coordinated development of youth cultural learning and physical exercise, and help students enjoy fun and exercise will in physical exercise.He called on all teachers and students to participate together to enjoy the happiness brought by exercise. At the same time, he strengthened exercise, cultivated exercise skills, showed sports talents, and learned unity and cooperation, respecting the rules of the competition, and achieved good results.
Chen Weijie, Secretary of the Party Branch and President of the Nankai Elementary School of Chongqing Science City
“The 3rd Spring Athletics Games opened!” Chen Weijie, Secretary of the Party Branch and President of the Nankai Elementary School of Chongqing Science City, announced the official start of the Games. The laughter of the students was intertwined into a playful movement, floating over the sports field.
Martial arts
Broadcast competition
It is reported that this sports meeting has a variety of competitions such as radio gymnastics, reconciliation, skipping rope, standing long jump, 60 meters, 100m, 200 meters, etc., integrating collaboration, competitiveness, and fun.It is worth mentioning that the school also opened parent -child sports such as “two people and three feet”, “driving pigs” and “obstacle relay” for first- and second -year students, to inject strong motivation for home schools.
“Integrate the theme of science and technology into the Games to help students understand the relationship between science and technology and health, and make ‘science and technology+sports’ become a special school -based course in the school.” Chen Weijie said that Chongqing Science City Nankai Elementary School has opened artificial intelligence and programming., Science and Technology Model, Rubik’s Cube and other 32 boutique communities, and incorporate information technology and scientific courses into daily education and teaching.Next, the school will continue to rely on the “Science and Technology Innovation+Aesthetic Education” system to build a topic, create the first golden business card of science and technology, and implement the education policy of five education.Add method.
(Text/Meng Rui Tu/Peng Yangsen)