The Ministry of Finance of China and the Ministry of Education has issued a number of education funds

China News Agency, Beijing, May 8th (Reporter Zhao Jianhua) The central departments of the Ministry of Finance of China and the Ministry of Education have recently reached multiple budgets to various underground budgets to fund students and improve the quality of modern vocational education.
The Ministry of Finance announced the “Notice on the Budget of the Subsidy Subsidy Subsidy Subsidy for Student Submitted Subsidy for 2024” on the 8th.The notice shows that in 2024, the budget of student funding subsidy subsidy subsidy totaling 694.4559 million yuan (RMB, the same below), of which 64,546.46 million yuan had been reached in advance, which was 489.913 million yuan this time; in 2024It has reached 3755.463 million yuan in advance, and 23.887 million yuan is reached.
Central departments such as the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education require all localities to timely reach the number and budget of the national funding policies and budgets of colleges and universities; coordinate considerations such as economic development levels in different regions in their jurisdictions, and the distribution status of students in family economic difficulties.Scientifically allocated the number and funds of the school between schools and funds.
The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education have recently reached the budget of the quality improvement plan for modern vocational education to the quality of modern vocational education to the underground.The total budget of the funds totaled 3125.74 million yuan, of which 2813.166 million yuan had been reached in advance, and 3125.74 million yuan was made.
Fund focuses on supporting the implementation of vocational school students’ average funding systems, explore the establishment of a differentiated allocation system based on major categories, and gradually improve the level of funding for students, and improve the conditions for running vocational schools.The two departments require all localities to seize the regional economic development areas such as remote, ethnic groups, poverty alleviation areas, and major economic belts. They urgently need specialized professional tilted from the country or localities.Adaptability and attractiveness.(over)