Implement the "two responsibilities" to keep the bottom line of food safety

  On April 16, Zhang Ziya, deputy mayor of the municipal government, led a team to investigate the implementation of the “two responsibilities” of food safety in the two towns of Laojiang and Baogai.

  The research team visited the field and investigated the two catering halls and two school cafeteria to learn more about the dining units, schools, and cafeteria contractors to implement the main responsibilities of food safety.Records, check the quality control of ingredients, health management of employees, and “Internet+Ming Kitchen Liang Stove”.

  The research team pointed out that all responsible units should effectively strengthen the sense of responsibility and urgency of doing campus food safety work.Implement the details and keep the bottom line of food safety.It is necessary to grasp the opportunity for the establishment of a national food safety demonstration city to create a national food safety demonstration city, actively explore the innovation measures of food safety governance, keep an eye on hidden dangers of various types of food safety, continue to increase the supervision and inspection of food companies to ensure the safety of the tongue of teachers and students.

  (Reporter Xu Yini Correspondent Jin Guo)