[Annual Report] Xinhua Department Store: Focus on the dual growth of revenue and net profit in the real economy market in 2023

  On the evening of March 21, () (600785.SH) disclosed the annual report of 2023.From January to December 2023, the company realized operating income of 6.065 billion yuan, an increase of 3.1%year-on-year; net profit attributable to the mother was 136 million yuan, an increase of 45.59%year-on-year; the non-net profit of 118 million yuan, a significant increase of 490.74%year-on-year; basically every per every day; basically every per every day; basically every per every; basically every per every; basically, every day; basically, every day; basically, every day; basically, every day was 490.74%.Stock income is 0.6 yuan/share.At the same time, the company intends to distribute a cash dividend of 2 yuan (including tax) to all shareholders, and a total of 45.263 million yuan in cash bonus is distributed.

  In 2023, the consumer market resumed better, and consumption became the initiative of economic growth again.The continuous growth of residents ‘income has driven the steady improvement of consumption capacity. The structure upgrade of domestic residents’ consumption has increased significantly. The integration and development of urban and rural areas, the progress of urbanization, and the continuous upgrading of the consumption structure have provided a broad space for the growth of the consumer market.

  According to the data, Xinhua Department Store is a larger commercial retail enterprise in Ningxia and even the northwest. It is mainly engaged in the rental business of commercial retail, logistics and commercial properties. Retail business mainly involves department stores, comprehensive shopping centers, supermarket chains, electrical appliances and communication chains.

  As of the end of 2023, the company’s various formats have operated 344 physical business stores, including 12 department stores and shopping malls, with an operating area of 60,200 square meters, 243 supermarket stores, 561,400 square meters, 89 electrical appliances and communications stores, and the operating area136,400 square meters, the company focuses on Yinchuan as the center, continuously opens territory, and gradually integrates commercial resources in the surrounding areas. The business covers the provinces of Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai and other provinces.Learning membership membership and development; take multiple points as a platform, customer -centric, digital operation -driven, empower business growth, realize the complete integration of members of each format, go online simultaneously, realize () collaborative drainage, multi -channel integrated operations, Make every effort to create the largest life service platform in Ningxia’s largest, richest commodity, and the highest activity.

  In the whole year of 2023, the company deeply cultivated industry operations, continued to consolidate the overall development advantages, effectively integrates various resources, actively promote the transformation and upgrading of the retail industry, and strive to innovate and change to the transformation of digital intellectuals, and fully improve business management.During the reporting period, the company’s operating performance improved steadily, achieving operating income of 6.065 billion yuan.The company’s main business income accounts for 86.65%of total operating income, and revenue such as leasing business accounts for 13.35%of total operating income; of which the main business income compositions: 64.46%of supermarkets, 11.69%of department stores, electrical appliances and communication accounting for the proportion22.96%, logistics accounted for 0.88%, and other proportion of 0.01%.

  Specifically, during the reporting period, the company’s department store format reshaped the commercial structure, actively embraced changes, and successfully transformed the format; based on department stores+shopping malls, achieved breakthroughs in homogeneous retail industries;Cultivate new consumer kinetic energy, prosper and develop the night economy, promote consumption replenishment, integrate night lanes and tide π neighborhoods, enrich the formats, continuously build the core of the region, and continue to bring customers a new lifestyle and experience.

  Supermarket formats are constantly returning to the nature of business, thinking that consumers provide fresh, safe and assured food as their responsibility, lead the direction of development with digital intelligence, continue to change and take effect, gradually promote the launch of digital intellectual projects, and quickly improve the level of management and management level and work efficiency.Essence

  Electrical formats closely focus on business measures such as “retail open source customer acquisition, channel Shen Tuo store, e -commerce multi -platform development, communication expansion category sales and services, multi -channel integration of supply chain, continuous expansion of the scope of authorization service to improve external extension capabilities” and other operation measures “, Continuously enhance overall operating capabilities and market influence.

  Eight online home appliance sales stores such as Baidan Stores are put into operation, and continue to drive online sales business improvements.4. According to the development strategy of internal and external development, the company’s modern logistics has implemented the general policy of transformation from enterprise logistics to logistics enterprises.Digitalization, intelligence, and automation “are the socialized comprehensive logistics hub.