33 large items, 66 small items, information on the 8th Games of Linyi City

  On March 19, the Journal of Linyi Municipal People’s Government held a press conference.The reporter learned from the press conference that the 8th Games of Linyi City is planned to be held from March to September, and the opening, closing ceremony and main project competitions will be held in late September.A total of 33 major and 66 small items are set up, which are divided into two groups: children’s group and mass groups.

  据了解,临沂市第八届运动会少年儿童组包括田径、游泳(游泳、公开水域)、篮球(五人制篮球、三人制篮球)、排球(室内排球、沙滩排球)、足球、乒乓球、Badminton, tennis, handball, rugby, archery, shooting (laser gun, real ammunition), fencing (heavy sword, flower sword, sword), bicycle (venue, highway, mountains, small wheels), rowing, kayak (Static water), weightlifting, wrestling (freestyle, classical), judo, taekwondo, boxing, rock climbing, skateboarding, speed roller skating, martial arts (routine, scattered), Perak dance, baseball, equestrian, golf, golf, golf, golf ball, golf ball, golf,Go, Chinese chess, chess and other 32 major items and 44 points.群众组包括田径、游泳(公开水域)、篮球(五人制篮球、三人制篮球)、足球(八人制)、气排球、乒乓球、羽毛球、网球、武术套路、围棋、中国象棋、国际Chess and golf 13 major items and 14 score competitions.

  ”The Eighth Games of Linyi City is expected to be the largest city event in Linyi City, and for the 26th Provincial Games selection talents and exercise teams.”Notice of the Session of the Games”, various preparatory organizations are accelerating. “Li Jian, director of the Sports Science and Technology Director of the Linyi City Sports Bureau and Li Jian, a first -level director, said.