A marathon falls in love with a city, "Yanma" drives citizens’ fitness fever


A marathon fell in love with a city.April 14thThe Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle of the Walk · 2024 Shiyan Marathon, noOnly let the national runners go to Shiyan, fall in love with Shiyan, and also drive more local citizens to join the running ranks.

At 18:00 on April 16th, despite light rain under the sky, Mr. Wang, a citizen, came to the Municipal Sports Center early to start the running sports. He said that he would feel very relaxed and decompressed every time after running.

As the world’s recognized “mother of sports”, track and field is undoubtedly the lowest participation in sports.The road running is the most widely involved in the track and field project.Mr. Wang, who was engaged in teaching and training, had almost no foundation for sports. This Shiyan Marathon event made him deeply encouraged.As a result, Mr. Wang wanted to adjust his status by running, hoping to have the opportunity to participate in “Yanma” in the future.

In the past few days, in the streets and garden squares, there are more “new” runners.Mr. Liu told reporters that he believes that health is the most important. He can exercise his physical fitness and improve immunity by running.

The road running activity not only enhances physical health, but also expands the social circle.Mr. Liu participated in the healthy running of the Shiyan Marathon. From a person who was difficult to persist at the beginning, to joining the professional “running group” team, for more than half a month, he couldn’t open his legs to challenge 4 kilometers. He felt his own running level.Continuously improved, and then the idea of participating in the competition.

Mr. Liu said that the “Yanma” signed up for a 4 -kilometer healthy run. After running, it felt quite easy. In the future, he insisted on exercise every day to strive for the opportunity to challenge “Malaysia”.

Shiyan “Rocket“The team is the largest number of running groups in the city. There are more than a thousand fixed runners. In the past few days, the running team has added a lot of new members like Mr. Liu.

Citizen Ms. Xu especially loved to sleep and laziness. She was very envious of the players who participated in the marathon and felt that they were full of vitality, soMs. XuAlso insist on running with everyone.